About Me:

My photo
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States


All images, writing and creative ideas on my blog and website are Copyright and Trademark protected. I hope you will BE INSPIRED to create your own artistic style from what you find here, but please be advised: it is against Federal Laws to copy or use any images or slide shows that belong to me without my written permission. Besides that, it would be dishonest and if caught you face fines and imprisonment, so please don't do it unless you really think you'll look good in a jumpsuit! Thank you for respecting and protecting my Creative Rights.
BIG love, Joanne

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Element of Love Seminar: Maria

As promised, here are more images of Maria from the first Element of Love Seminar...

This image was made with the natural occurring tungsten lighting in the hallway outside of our seminar room. Notice the background...Maria's natural pose, unbeknown to her, mimicked the piece of art on the wall. I quickly observed this and wanted to incorporate that piece of art within my photograph.

It is important to observe/be aware of and incorporate environmental ELEMENTS that exist around and in the backgrounds of our subjects into the pieces of art we are creating for our clients!

What an adventurous woman Maria is!! She responded with complete enthusiasm at our request to lie on the sidewalk so we could photograph her!

Some of our participants during a shooting exercise:
One of our main goals was to support, inspire and motivate all the photographers who attended EOL so that after the seminar they could take the information and inspiration they received and carry that energy with them to create some positive changes in the work they are doing. Here is a shot of Heather (on the right of the rail) encouraging and directing some of the participants in a shooting exercise with our model Maria.

And here is yet another shot of Maria from the shooting exercise that I created:

It was a GREAT day and we are planning another day-long seminar in the near future just on shooting! Stay tuned for more information on the next Element of Love experience!

Best, Joanne

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